Earlier, its Vice President Jojo Binay. Now, PNP Chief Alan Purisima's turn. The former I described as a new business guru, the latter I will describe as a great negotiator. He must be a salesman before he joined the force because even experienced salespeople such as a real estate agent (he bought a nice piece of land for only Php 150,000.00) and a car salesman (he bought a Toyota Prado for half the price) was no match for him.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Earlier, its Vice President Jojo Binay. Now, PNP Chief Alan Purisima's turn. The former I described as a new business guru, the latter I will describe as a great negotiator. He must be a salesman before he joined the force because even experienced salespeople such as a real estate agent (he bought a nice piece of land for only Php 150,000.00) and a car salesman (he bought a Toyota Prado for half the price) was no match for him.
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Purisima, you lucky... you.